Ukraine's regaining independence 1991. Caused cardinal changes of priorities in the field of the higher education system. In the scope of development of relations with foreign partners and training highly qualified medical experts also from other countries.

The training of foreigners at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical Universityhas been carried out since 1992.

Today, the Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University is one of the six universities in Ukraine whose diplomas are recognised abroad.

In 2003, Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University opened a preparatory department with a licensed volume of 300 people, where, by this time, the training is conducted on two profiles: medical and biological and engineering.

The Faculty of Foreign Citizens Trainingof in IFNMU was established on May18-th, 2005, on the basis of the Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University. Since April 2012, the position of the Dean of the Faculty has been held by the lecturer of the Urology Cathedral Solomčak, Dmitry Bogdanowicz. Since September 2016, Professor of ClinicalPharmacology and Pharmacotherapy Zapatiy Andrew Andrew L. Korduns'ky has been rector of the Faculty, and since July 2017 Taras Paraschuk has been appointed Assistant Professor of Medical Computer Science and Biological and Physical Science at theFaculty of Faculty of Pharmacy. Volodymyr Makovyshyn has been the head of the department of medical and biological physics since March .

About 500 students from over 20 countries have been trained in theFaculty: Algeria, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, India, Palestine, Iraq, Nigeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Jordan, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kazakhstan, United Kingdom, Maldives, UnitedStates of America, UAE, Kuwait, Syria, Turkey, etc.

The main task of the Faculty is to educate foreigners who do not sapek Ukrainian in order to obtain higher and postgraduate vocational education at Ukrainian universities and other IFNMU. Every year at the Preparatory Faculty 20 to 40 students from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe - on the basis of an agreement.

Today, at the Faculty for Foreigners, students are learning Ukrainian andother disciplines (biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computerscience, drawing and geography), necessary to obtain a higher educationin accordance with the chosen field of Engineering, technical and medical-biological studies.

Currently, the faculty's teaching staff consists of 29 lecturers, including 1 professor, 4 habilitated doctors, 1 assistant, 2 senior teachers and 21 teachers, namely: 1 teacher and 2 senior teachers ("Ukrainian Language") - the main employees, other - 1, 4 habilitated and 6 teachers("Physics", "Mathematics", "ComputerScience", "Drawing" is in thedepartment of medical informatics, medical and biological physics); 6 teachers ("Biology of medical biologyand medical genetics" disciplines); 1 assistant and 4 teachers ("chemistry" disciplines - the department ofbiological and medical chemistry namedafter g. ). Babenka), 2 teachers("Ukrainian language"), 2 teachers("English language") – internal conscientiousness.

The Faculty has modern equipment modern classes and laboratories, a library, computer classes with Internet access, a sports complex, a laboratory, a clinic, a swimming pool, a recreation centre, relaxation in the Carpathians and on the coasts of the Black Sea. Foreign students shall beguaranteed all their rights and freedoms in accordance with the applicable legislation and the statutes of the higher education institution.

The Preparatory Faculty is a separate structural unit of the University (formerly a member of the Faculty of Linguistics), which operates on thebasis of the Faculty of Preparation of Foreign Citizens (approved by order of 31. 08. 2016 No. 767-d of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Preparatory Faculty, training the right of foreigners to bring in higher which trains foreign citizens the introduction of higher education institutions of Ukraine. ").

Form of training - full-time studies. The academic year lasts 10 months.

The preparatory departments for foreign nationals are funded bynationals of other countries and stateless persons in the manner prescribed by the legislation.

Classes are held in groups. The averagenumber of people in a group is between 6 and 8. Questions about theorganisation of the educational processand the methodology of thePreparatory Faculty are solvedcollectively at methodological meetingsand seminars.

Graduates of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreigners who have successfully passedthe exams receive a "Certificate" of the appropriate type.






Соломчак Дмитро Богданович

Декан факультету підготовки іноземних громадян




Голуб Володимир Васильович

Заступник декана (5-6 курсів спеціальності «лікувальна справа»)




Волошинович Мар’ян Стефанович

Заступник декана (4 курсу спеціальності «лікувальна справа»)




Пюрик Маркіян Васильович

Заступник декана (2- 3 курсів спеціальності «медицина»)




Романюк Андрій Леонтійович

Заступник декана (1 курс спеціальності «медицина»)




Бібен Андрій Васильович

Заступник декана (1-5 курсів спеціальності «стоматологія»)




Маковишин Володимир Ігорович

Заступник декана (1-5 курсів спеціальності «фармація», «фармація-заочна», завідувач підготовчого відділення)




Родчин Світлана Василівна

Заступник декана з виховної роботи



Шульга Ніна Володимирівна

Старший інспектор деканату



Зубко Зоряна Мирославівна

Старший інспектор деканату



Кисла Анастасія Володимирівна

Старший інспектор деканату



Крижанівська Іванна Миколаївна

Старший інспектор деканату



Тимощук Зоряна Ігорівна

Спеціаліст з нострифікації документів



Канюк Світлана Володимирівна

Спеціаліст з нострифікації документів



Щербюк Тетяна Миколаївна

Технік інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення



Зубик Мар'яна Миколаївна

Секретар деканату